dbIT enhanced the National Cemetery Administration's (NCA) First Notice of Death (FNOD) application.
FNOD establishes and maintains Veterans' Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS)
records as part of NCA's BOSS enterprise. Through dbIT's efforts, system functionality was increased,
and system throughput and reporting accuracy was improved.
We also enhanced the NCA's Eligibility Office Automation System (EOAS) to eliminate manual processing of
paper based transitions. These upgrades streamlined and accelerated the processes for eligibility
determination and tracking of Eligibility Case history. dbIT enhanced EOAS using Java, RESTful web
services and an Oracle database.
Our team developed and delivered an on-line web burial schedule interface that enables the public to
view, through an internet browser, relevant burial schedule information on persons interred at a VA
National or State Veteran Cemetery. Through convenient web access, the burden on NCA personnel will be
greatly reduced.
We developed the PMC application that produces an engraved paper certificate, bearing the signature
of the sitting President of the United States, to honor the memory of Veterans who have been lost or
honorably discharged.